Thanks to the support of groups such as Boycott Workfare, North London Solidarity Federation and Feminist Fightback the action was a great success! Over 20 people stood outside the shop chanting and displaying banners and placards about M&S' use of free labour. More than 500 leaflets were handed out, and demonstrators engaged in conversation with the public, explaining the situation at M&S and denouncing workfare in general.
Prior to this, contact was made with the staff in the store to explain that the protest was not aimed at them but at their bosses. M&S's national policy of using unpaid labour affects all of us, in and out of work, by driving down wages and replacing full time workers with unpaid temporary staff with no employment rights.
Meanwhile M&S will be saving some £1.3 million a month in wages, further stoking their profit whilst lining the deep pockets of their directors and shareholders. Last year M&S made over £500 million profit.
This action was co-ordinated with Haringey Solidarity Group who likewise targeted M&S in Wood Green, as part of a week of action called by Boycott Workfare.